Marc Yacht is running for the District 5 seat on the Pasco County School Board.

1. Why are you running for this office? 

I am a physician who can bring medical expertise to the board.

I will advocate for adequate public school funding.  Voucher credits and the expansion of charter schools are reducing significantly resources to public schools.  Charter Schools do not face the accountability of public schools yet receive taxpayer dollars. 

I am also concerned with potential conflicts of interest relating to charter schools. There are legislators who own or run them.  There is a need to look into contracts and also a need to clarify why more than 255 of opened Florida charter schools have closed. What has happened to those dollars.

I also hope to advocate for appropriate teacher evaluations.  Currently VAM and other evaluation tools leave teachers demoralized; many have taken early retirement.  It is not fair to hold teachers accountable for student progress without addressing the home environment of the child, poverty, and other factors that could interfere with a child's progress in school. 

I have concerns that testing for the test and the focus on Common Core neglects history, the arts, music, health education, physical education and science in the curriculum.  There are other issues.  Essentially I want to bring a new voice to the current school board. My theme is "Change the Mindset."

2. Why do you think you are the best qualified candidate for the office? 

In my capacity as Pasco County Health Director (20 years) I had the opportunity to work on numerous committees and Councils in Pasco County Schools.  My three children went to Pasco County public schools.  Prior to becoming a physician I spent 2 years teaching in Philadelphia schools.  I bring a vast array of experience to the school board.

3. If you are elected, what will be your top priorities?

Protecting resources to public schools, advocating for better evaluation tools for teachers and students, addressing the implications of health policy, advocating for a nurse in every school, advocating for effective charter school accountability, and other issues touched on in question 1.