Get ready Back-to-School shoppers, the state’s tax-free holiday shopping period is here.

Starting today, and for the next ten days, shoppers can purchase specific education-related items tax-free or partially tax-free.

In June, the Florida Senate has passed House Bill 33, which includes an extension of the back-to-school tax holiday from three days to 10.

The holiday runs through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16.

The holiday applies to:

  • Clothing, footwear, and certain accessories selling for $100 or less per item
  • Certain school supplies selling for $15 or less per item
  • Personal computers and certain computer-related accessories on the first $750 of the sales price, when purchased for noncommercial home or personal use

This holiday does not apply to:

  • Any item of clothing selling for more than $100
  • Any school supply item selling for more than $15
  • Books that are not otherwise exempt
  • Rentals or leases of any of these items
  • Repairs or alterations of any of these items