UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Abruptly cast into the center of a political storm in the United States, Ukraine's president steered clear of the controversy Wednesday as he made his debut at the United Nations, focusing instead on the horrors of war and on his country's ongoing conflict with Russia.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy's address at the U.N. General Assembly came less than a day after a formal U.S. House impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump was launched — a development that was sparked partly by a July 25 phone call between the two leaders. It has come under scrutiny because Trump prodded Zelenskiy to investigate Trump rival and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

During a meeting later in the day, both presidents told reporters that Zelenskiy wasn't pressured.

Zelenskiy had made no mention of the matter in his speech to world leaders as he called for wide international support for his country, five years after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and Moscow threw its weight behind separatists fighting in the eastern part of his country.

He warned that in an interconnected world, "there is no more 'somebody else's war.'"

"Every leader bears his share of responsibility not only for the destiny of his own country but for the whole world," said Zelenskiy, who at one point held up a bullet to decry violence and made references to the classic World War I novels "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "A Farewell to Arms."

"Today, it depends on everyone here whether there will be life at all," Zelenskiy said.

Barely 100 days into his tenure, Zelenskiy is in a delicate spot after the phone call with Trump, the leader of one of Ukraine's most steadfast allies. The two presidents were due to meet on the sidelines of the assembly later Wednesday.

At issue is whether the Republican Trump abused his presidential powers and sought help from Ukraine to undermine Biden and help his own re-election. Biden is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in next year's election.

Trump repeatedly pressed Zelenskiy to investigate Biden, according to a rough transcript summarizing the call released Wednesday . The phone call came days after Trump ordered advisers to freeze $400 million in military aid for Ukraine, prompting speculation that he was holding up the money as leverage for information on Biden.

Trump has denied that the funds were blocked as leverage for information on Biden and his son, Hunter, and says he did nothing wrong, calling the matter a "witch hunt."

As the two presidents met on the sidelines of the General Assembly, Trump said he put "no pressure" on Zelenskiy to look into Biden. Zelenskiy said it was a "good phone call" and "normal," and "nobody pushed me."

"I don't want to be involved" in American elections, he said.

The United States has given Ukraine millions of dollars in aid since a pro-Western government took power in Kyiv in 2014.

Zelenskiy, a popular 41-year-old comedian with no political experience, unseated incumbent Petro Poroshenko in an election this year in the nation of 45 million people. Zelenskiy campaigned on promises to fight corruption and engage Russia in order to end their conflict. The fighting has killed more than 13,000 people and displaced 1 million.

Russia says it annexed Crimea and supported pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine at the behest of Russian-speaking populations in the areas.

In a signal of a fresh approach from the Ukrainian side, Zelenskiy called Russian President Vladimir Putin shortly after taking office. Earlier this month, Russia and Ukraine held the largest prisoner exchange in years, releasing 70 people.

"Ending the war, recovering all occupied Ukrainian territories and restoring peace are my primary objectives," Zelenskiy told the assembly Wednesday, "but not at the cost of the lives of our citizens, freedom and right of Ukraine to make its own choices." 


Associated Press writers Jonathan Lemire in New York and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed.

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