LONDON -- Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are the proud parents of a new baby boy.

  • Meghan and Harry welcomed their first child, a baby boy, on Monday
  • The couple had said they didn't know the baby's sex in advance
  • The boy will be eligible for dual British-U.S. citizenship if Meghan and Harry go through the application process

The baby, who has not yet been named, is seventh in line for the British throne and is Queen Elizabeth II's eighth great-grandchild.

It is the first child for Harry and Meghan, who married a year ago. Harry spoke before cameras on Monday afternoon.

The duchess is a 37-year-old retired American actress formerly known as Meghan Markle. The 34-year-old prince is the son of Prince Charles — next in line for the throne — and Princess Diana, who died in a Paris car crash in 1997.

Harry has long spoken of his desire to start a family.

Palace officials didn't immediately say where Meghan gave birth. Officials said the prince was by Meghan's side. 

The couple has said they didn't find out the baby's sex in advance.

The baby boy will be eligible for dual British-U.S. citizenship if Meghan and Harry want to go through the application process.

Christopher Warren-Green, the music director for the Charlotte Symphony in North Carolina, conducted the orchestra at their wedding ceremony on May 19, 2018.