ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The Parc Center for Disabilities received its largest private donation in the organization’s more than 70 year history.

Local philanthropists Tom and Mary James donated $2 million to the center which CEO Michelle Detweiler says will go to a new Children’s Services Center.

What You Need To Know

  • Groundbreaking for new Children's Services Center set for May

  • Construction will take roughly 18 months 

  • Parc Center for Disabilities offers Children’s Services, Adult Day Training and Residential Care

  • MORE: Children's Services 

To date, Parc Center for Disabilities serves just over 200 kids across its three programs. Each early-learning classroom has multiple teachers and caretakers and children, both with and without disabilities, are part of each class.

“The more we learn about child development and early intervention, this is when it happens,” Detweiler said, referencing a group of 3-year-old students. ”This will dictate their success in life.”

Children’s services are currently housed inside of a 1970s era building on the organization’s St. Pete campus. The building’s small classrooms and aging structure, Detweiler says, are both restrictive to how many children they can serve and also expensive.

“It’s not efficient and it’s costing us a lot of money,” she said.

The new Children’s Services Center will have a preschool, three specially designed playgrounds and space for therapeutic services. The new center will also house their caregiver relief program, among others.

Detweiler says the new facility will allow them to serve more children. They plan to break ground in May and construction is expected to take about 18 months.

The Parc Center for Disabilities also serves hundreds of adults through its residential and adult day training programs.

Recently, the center received $6 million in funding to help expand the adults programs.