FLORIDA — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is reminding beachgoers to watch out for sea turtles and shorebirds this Memorial Day weekend.

Nesting season is underway at Florida beaches, and FWC is asking Floridians and visitors to help keep turtles and birds safe by giving them space, removing beach furniture and trash, keeping the shore clean and dark, and not to disturb nests.

“Getting too close (50 feet or less) to nesting sea turtles can cause them to leave the beach before they complete the nesting process,” said Dr. Robbin Trindell, lead of the FWC’s Sea Turtle Management Program. “By always giving nesting turtles space, you can help marine turtles have another successful nesting season in Florida this year.”

Conservation efforts ensure the protection of all species of sea turtles and their nests — including loggerhead, leatherback, green and Kemp’s ridley. It is illegal to harm, harass or take nesting sea turtles, their eggs and hatchlings, FWC said.

Wildlife officials also ask that beachgoers stay away from flocks of birds, stay out of posted nesting areas, leave fireworks at home and keep pets on a leash and away from wildlife. 

Read more information about nesting shorebirds and nesting sea turtles