TAMPA -- Life is sweet on the shipping vessel "Glory."

  • Downs family sold possessions to serve others
  • Help begin Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries
  • Has made 5 trips to on their shipping boat to aid Puerto Rico

"The boat is our home, as well as our ministry," said Shawna Downs. "And we live wherever the boat is, wherever the need is."

Downs, husband James and their four children sold everything they owned, even their house, and hit the seas last November. 

They initially started the nonprofit Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries two years ago, with the intention of taking shipping containers with supplies to places in need.

James has years in the maritime industry. However, they weren’t able to get a boat until this November. 

After Hurricane Maria, they felt called to help with disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico, and donations started pouring in. 

With the community's help, they were able to purchase "Glory" and set off to Puerto Rico. 

"I think it’s impacted our family as much as we’ve been able to impact other people," Shawna Downs said. 

Whenever organizations get donations, the Downs family helps with shipping them to the island. 

They just returned from their fourth trip in the span of seven months.

Now, they are getting ready to head back in a few days. 

This time, they will take 340 mattresses and building and medical supplies. 

"So many people are still sleeping on the floor or on moldy mattresses from Maria," Downs said. 

When they're on the water, which is usually about a week, the family spends time bonding on the deck, watching movies, and playing with their dog, Echo. 

"It’s fun doing this with our kids," Downs said. "It's a lesson and a life that you can teach them a lot about serving others and that's super important to us."

The family hopes to spread awareness as they continue on their journey.

"It's our desire that people don’t stop trying to help and people don’t forget that they're our countrymen, they're our neighbors, and they're still struggling."

They hope to leave by June 8, but still need fuel or monetary donations – they need 8,000 gallons of gas to make it to Puerto Rico and back. 

To help them get there, you can donate here: http://gssmi.org/donate.html