Over five months ago, Florida had one of its first COVID-19 positive patients in Manatee County.

What You Need To Know

Now with school set to start on Monday, the Department of Health says overall numbers are going down. 

“We have seen a significant decline,” says Dr. Deepa Verma, from Synergistiq Integrative Health.  

This all comes after the latest Florida Department of Health numbers showing 43 people testing positive on Saturday in Manatee County; a far cry from the county's record-breaking day last month, with 480 positive results. 

Verma says, even with counties that have flattened the curve, it would not be unusual to see a small spike in the classroom. 

“Everyone should really expect a little surge in positive cases once schools reopen,” says Verma. “A lot of the kids will be OK.” 

The Department of Health report shows a break down of COVID-19 positive cases in Manatee County youth: 

Ages 0-4: 232 

Ages 5-14: 632

Ages 15-24: 1,563 

Verma says the best way to reduce the risk of infection is by wearing a mask, and having good hygiene. 

“Parents, a great tip is to make sure you give your child as many disposable things as possible, for school,” says Verma. “Instead of your child carrying a lunchbox, use a brown paper bag - something they can throw away to limit the amount of germs that can get on their stuff.”

Avoiding the virus may seem impossible, but the downward trend is leaving health experts optimistic.

“This is very encouraging to know there is a drop in cases…I’m not going to say there is heard immunity, but I will say we are getting better adapted to it,” says Verma.