Today's Everyday Hero is helping people down on their luck get back on their feet again.

What You Need To Know

Tampa native Brandon Evans is not only feeding and clothing them - he's also mentoring them.

Evans is founder of Project 100 whose mission is to promote, produce and provide support to create productive citizens of the community.

“We’re helping the homeless, we’re helping families and we have a mentoring program,” Evans said.

“Feeding the Streets” provides daily essentials including food and clothing to hundreds of homeless and low income families.

You’re likely to see Project 100’s “Street Cleaners Association” on the job on Florida Avenue, 21st Street and Cuscaden Park.

And the “Kings in Training" mentoring program takes on as many at-risk young boys as possible.

“It gives inner city youth and minority boys the opportunities of still growing and having that impact of a male figure and mentor,” Evans said.

Did we tell you that Evans is only 27 years old? 

“I feel as if why not be that young person to make a change,” he said. “Really it was kind of what pushed me to do my mentoring program at the same time because I want to have an impact on the next generation to come.”

A non-profit always in need of donations, volunteers and local community partners, this Thanksgiving Brandon and company will feed hundreds with all the fixings.

“To give. It’s a great feeling and not only that it’s a way to show other people how to take care of the community and how to give back to the community at the same time,” Evans said.