It’s cut down night at the Tampa Bay Titans training camp, for some, the dream of playing professional basketball will end here.
Three years ago, Alonso grad Bassel Harfouch had the opportunity to buy his own team and bring pro basketball to Tampa.
" Tampa’s home, and I wanted to bring something for these guys, give these guys an opportunity, a platform to really take their game to the next level".
The Titans are a member of “The Basketball League” or TBL , a 35 team pro league. The team carries a unique roster.
The players have day jobs, like car salesman, guys that work at Publix, stock market investors, but all have the same dream, to play Pro Basketball.
Malcolm St. Louis is a forward in his third season for the Titans, he started his own clothing line in college called Meticulous Threads, Urban gear for the high school and college student.
St. Louis, like many on this court played college basketball and traveled to Tampa with the hopes of more.
" I moved down here, May 7th 2018, with just a $150 and a dream, I had it made up in my mind to play hoop and make clothes".
Some players have had the opportunity to play overseas, or get contracts in the NBA-G league and for some it’s one last chance to do something they love.
Last March, The League lost a full season due to the pandemic and Harfouch, the team owner and starting shooting guard had to tell his players.
"The worst part was telling these guys that you don’t have a job right now, my coach he had moved down here and I had my coach moving down here again, there’s a lot of things that these people change their lives for, for the game and then it got pulled from them".
For some of these players it might be the last time they have the opportunity to chase a pro basketball dream, for others, it’s the chance to get a phone call that could change their lives.
Bassel Harfouch is one of the lucky ones, he has played for several teams overseas and scored a G-League contract. Adversity was his motivation to buy his own team and bring it to his hometown here in Tampa, with the hopes it can change someones life.