Casey Anthony maintains that a baby sitter, 'Zanny the Nanny,' her attorney acknowledged was a fabrication during her 2011 murder trial, is a real person.
Anthony was questioned in a Jan. 23 deposition related to bankruptcy proceedings and a defamation case brought against Anthony by Zenaida Gonzalez. A transcript of the deposition was filed Tuesday in Orlando federal court.
In the deposition, Anthony still maintains that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the baby sitter she claimed took Caylee, is a real person and that she met her through a friend at Universal Orlando. Keith Mitnik, Gonzalez's attorney, questioned Anthony during the deposition. Anthony was being represented by Cheney Mason.
From the deposition:
Mitnik: Okay. Ms. Anthony, was there ever a Zenaida Gonzalez or Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez that you actually knew?
Anthony: Yes, sir.
Mitnik: Who is she? Let's start with where did you meet her?
Anthony: I met her at Universal Studios in 2006.
Anthony went on to explain that Jesse Grund introduced her to Gonzalez. She said they became friends and she socialized with Gonzalez for a little over a year. Anthony said she would go to bars with Gonzalez in downtown Orlando. However, she could not recall specific details.
Next, Anthony said the same woman babysat Caylee one time in 2006.
From the Deposition:
Mitnik: What were the circumstances of why you needed her to babysit?
Anthony: I needed someone to watch my daughter for a very short period of time.
Mitnik: Is that, according to you, the only time that this person babysat for you?
Anthony: Yes, sir.
Mitnik: When did you last see this alleged person?
Anthony: In 2007.
Mitnik continued to question Anthony regarding her relationship with the woman she met at Universal Orlando, the Orlando Police investigation surrounding Zenaida Gonzalez, the Sawgrass apartments, working at Universal Orlando and conversations she had with her mother, Cindy Anthony, while she was in jail.
Anthony was acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. After Caylee disappeared in 2008, Anthony told investigators a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez had kidnapped her.
The Kissimmee woman with the same name has sued Anthony, claiming her reputation has been ruined.
Anthony said neither the baby sitter nor the woman suing her for defamation did actually kidnap Caylee. She declined to answer questions about why she lied to investigators.