ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Halloween is a time for tricks and treats, but it should also include safety. 

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has offered some tips to help families and their children stay safe while enjoying Halloween festivities. 

Here are several tips to consider before trick-or-treating: 

  • Set clear limits on where your children can trick-or-treat and what time they should be home. 
  • Make sure young children are accompanied by a trusted adult. 
  • If your children are old enough to go out alone, know where they are, who they are with, and how to contact them. 
  • Teach your child their name, address, and telephone number. 
  • Make sure they know how to call 911 in an emergency. 
  • Warn them not to give out personal information to strangers, and not to go into stragners' homes or vehicles. 
  • Teach your child about traffic safety before going trick-or-treating. 
  • Walk on sidewalks and only cross roads when it is safe. 
  • Bring a flashlight with you to ensure you are seen by vehicles, and that you can see as well. 

For more tips on keeping your children safe, click here