CANTON, Ohio– Becoming a saint is rare in the Catholic Church.  A saint is a person recognized as having an exceptional degree of holiness.

In Canton, two women could potentially be named saints by the Vatican.

"Ohio's mystic Rhoda Wise is on the path to sainthood. She lived in this Canton neighborhood in a home, now known as Ohio's miracle house."

"She would never say that she healed anybody, our Lord did, but she prayed for everyone who came, and there were all kinds of healings because of that, and it still happens today," says Karen Sigler, Director, Rhoda Wise House & Grotto.

On 25th Street in Canton, people from all over the world stop to visit this miracle house.  Rhoda Wise once lived here.

"She had a 39-pound tumor taken out of her abdomen in 1932. Three surgeries left her with an open wound in her abdomen that wouldn't heal," says Sigler.

In her 50's, Wise learned about Catholicism while in the hospital.  She was drawn to the Catholic Church and Saint Thérèse.

"She was sent home to die in May of '39, and at the end of the month she woke to a light in her bedroom and Jesus sitting in a chair by her bed. Saint Thérèse put her hand on Rhoda's abdomen, told her to remove the bandage, and she did, then the next morning, she had all new tan skin on her abdomen."

Reportedly, many miraculous healings followed, including the healing of Mother Angelica, a nun from Canton.

"When she was in high school, she had a drop stomach, what they called it, she could only eat tea and crackers, and it was because of this woman named Rhoda Wise that she was healed at that home," says Chris Cugini, Mother Angelica Tour, Marketing Director.

Wise, died of a stroke in 1948.  To this day, people still visit her home and pray to her.  She's now a candidate for Sainthood.

"We have the Diocesan phase of the cause is finished, and it has gone to Rome, we have also sent them a miracle inquiry, but they won't even touch that until Rhoda is pronounced venerable, that's the next big thing," says Sigler.

And if one Canton saint isn't enough, there's a push to open a cause for Mother Angelica as well.  She died three years ago after a stroke, but that process cannot start until at least five years after her death.

"The sisters in Hanceville have started collecting things for that process and getting ready," says Cugini.

The Vatican is investigating Wise and will have to verify two miracles before being canonized a saint.  A big deal for a small community known for two miraculous women.

"It's remarkable that we would have two women that knew each other, and that may someday be saints from Canton, Ohio, it's a miracle," says Cugini.

"I think it's a blessing, it's a blessing," adds Sigler.