TAMPA, Fla. — On Saturday, people from around the country learned to guide the visually impaired on a kayak.

“I love kayaking,” says instructor, Andres Reyes.

Reyes, 19, is a member of Lighthouse for the Blind and Low-vision organization in Tampa, and helps volunteers with proper training techniques. 

“It’s fun, I’ve been kayaking for years now,” says Reyes. 

Reyes was born with Retinopathy of Prematurity and has no sight. 

Attendees will learn everything from teaching how to guide with their voice, to navigating with the warmth of the sun. 

The program is done twice a month in St. Petersburg, and hopes to give volunteers the tools they need, to help others in their community. 

“Just a regular person with no kayaking experience can go out and lift other people up,” says Russell Farrow, owner of Sweetwater Kayaks.  

For more information on the program coordinator, click here