WASHINGTON — Former Presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris announced she will endorse Joe Biden, Sunday morning.

  • Sen. Kamala Harris, a former candidate for the presidential nomination, endorses Joe Biden
  • 2020 Elections

The decision by the California senator further solidifies the Democratic establishment’s move to close circles around Biden after his Super Tuesday success.

Her endorsements comes before the next round of primaries, with six states voting Tuesday, including Michigan.

“There is no one better prepared than Joe to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office,” Harris said in a statement. “He is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people.″

Among Biden’s former rivals, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke, Mike Bloomberg, Tim Ryan, Deval Patrick and John Delaney have endorsed him. Sanders has gotten the endorsement of Marianne Williamson and Bill de Blasio.

Harris withdrew from the race in December, ending a candidacy with the historic potential of becoming the first black woman elected president. The former California attorney general was seen as a candidate poised to attract the multiracial coalition of voters that sent Barack Obama to the White House. But she ultimately could not craft a message that resonated with voters or secure the money to continue her run.

Biden and and Sen. Bernie Sanders are now the front-runners for the nomination in what was once a field of candidates that includes several woman and much younger politicians.