TAMPA, Fla. - As hospitalizations due to coronavirus continue their upswing, states in the south are reporting shortages in personal protective equipment or PPE.

What You Need To Know

  • Elective surgery medical professionals not running into PPE shortages

  • Dental professionals have not had Covid-19 infections from treating patients

  • ADA Dr.: PPE supply chain adequate, even as schools reopen

What's the outlook in Tampa Bay?

Spectrum Bay News 9 reached out to hospitals which said they have a sufficient supply of PPE.

The Paramedics and EMTs Association I the state told us last week, they're good with their supply as well.

What about the supply for elective surgeries, specifically for dental professionals in the area?

It was a problem for these medical professionals who tried to find equipment during reopening phase

Dr. Rudy Liddell has a practice in Brandon and will be the incoming Florida Trustee representing the state in the American Dental Association.

He said the situation is much better today than when the outbreak started.

"The demand overwhelmed the supply and the production capability at the beginning,” explained Dr. Liddell.  “And so I have not heard anybody complaining about the availability of the masks and the gowns and the face shields and such. The PPE supply is pretty robust now."

Those elective surgeries also presented a risk for infection.

Although, Dr. Liddell, who was part of the governor's reopening task force said the safety guidelines are working.

"I think the precautions that we're taking are very prudent and they're working pretty well,” he said.  “It's not only in my practice, but in practices across the state and the nation. We still haven't had a Covid transmission case tied back to a dental office."

Dr. Liddell said the only time he takes off his mask at work is in his private office.

As schools reopen, he said PPE supply might also avoid shortages.

He said he believes medical grade masks would not be what are needed for children which would not drain their supply.