A new survey out by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association found 68% of United States adults say the 2020 presidential election is causing them a significant amount of stress.
That number was 52% during the 2016 election.
Lisheila Ware of Pinellas County has concerns about key issues.
"Uncertain of the truth of everything the candidates are saying," Ware said.
She's also concerned about coronavirus come voting day.
"I have to wonder who used the booth before me, and are sick people coming in to vote anyway?"
Clinical Psychotherapist, Dr. Carleah East, founder of SMILE Psychology says more people are presenting with an election-related disorder.
"Individuals are being diagnosed with what is called election stress disorder," Dr. East explained. "This is in basics, an anxiety affliction on that individual or stress affliction on that individual that is interrupting their ability to have clear thought processes.”
Dr. East says other symptoms include:
- Shaky hands
- Intrusive thoughts
- Interrupted sleep
- Lower tolerance
- Headaches
To help, Dr. East suggests:
- Maintain self-awareness and care
- Seek positivity and set boundaries
- Unplug and disconnect
- Take mini mental breaks
- Maintain perspective regardless of outcome
The American Psychological Association recommends:
- Avoid dwelling on things you can’t control
- Focus on what you can control
- Engage in meaningful activities
- Stay socially connected. Go for a walk or spend time with friends and family
- Stay active, moving helps release the energy we experience when we feel stressed