ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. — Tuesday is Election Day, and in Orange County 20 of the school district facilities will be used as voting sites, including schools.

Most parents and teachers found out either by an automated message by a school principal or by a mass text alert that elementary, middle, and high schools across the district will be used. 

Parents can choose not to have their child or children in school tomorrow, but they must make arrangements with the school. Teachers however, hope the district follows through on their commitment to keep teachers and students safe.

“If OCPS does keep them separated from students like they say they are going to and ensure that people will wear masks like they say they are going to, and as long as they are continuing to clean like they say they are going," OCPS high school teacher Adam Whitmer said. " I don’t think we will see spread of the disease anymore than what we would see on a normal school day.”

According to Wendy Dormal who is the president of the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association, the school district never contacted her about using schools as voting sites tomorrow.​