We often become friends with our neighbors and help them out if needed.
But this everyday hero took it a step further.
Peggy Pekrul met Tom Calahan when they took a class in vegetable gardening.
What You Need To Know
- Peggy Pekrul met Tom Calahan when they took a class in vegetable gardening
- Then she became a hero and gave him a kidney
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Then their families became friends.
Then Tom, a US Navy Vietnam vet and a former merchant marine learned he neded a kidney transplant.
The search for a donor began. People stepped forward
“Unfortunately none of them made the grade for reasons,” Calahan said. “i’ll never know.”
That’s when that friend and neighbor from the vegetable garden class said "you can count on me Tom."
Tests showed they were a match. Some asked Peggy, "Are you sure?"
“i’ve birthed five children, and had an appendectomy,” she said. “i’ve had back issues in my life.”
And so the date was set. June 16, 2020. Peggy and Tom traveled to Texas for the surgery. And it was a success.
And now these friends – great friends - are back home.
“You know if there’s anything about me it’sI’m no hero,” Calahan said. “I’m nobody special but I am extremely lucky to have a friend like Peggy.”
Both Tom and Peggy are healing well. Tom says he will be eternally grateful
“We can all do something to make someone elses life,” Pekrul said. “Better even if it’s just a smile.”