CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department has a new strategic direction for 2021.

The announcement by Chief Johnny Jennings on Friday is the result of work done by CMPD to develop a new strategy to improve the department and build new and better relationships within the community it serves.

“CMPD’s last mission statement was created in 1994. A lot has changed in policing over the last quarter of a century, and reexamining our department’s strategic direction was long overdue,” Jennings said in a statement. “Developing a new mission and vision that reflects today’s environment and expectations of our community is critical to our success. I also wanted to focus on four areas that could help transform the way we work and operate.”

The strategy includes a new mission statement, vision statement, values, and strategic priorities that aim to broaden collaborative relationships with the community and re-commit to an investment in employees, according to a release.

CMPD's new strategic direction states:


CMPD implements solutions and expands collaborative relationships within our organization and community to enhance trust, fairness and respect, to increase public safety.


We envision becoming the trusted, respected and sought-after community partner by serving our citizens and taking care of our employees.


  • Oath of Office - Uphold the United States and North Carolina Constitutions.
  • Human Life - Seeing the value of every person.
  • Integrity - Promising to uphold the highest standards of integrity, being honest and ethical in all our actions.
  • People - Treating all people with dignity, respect, fairness and compassion.
  • Inclusion - Fostering a diverse and equitable culture that is committed to embracing all difference.
  • Community - Meeting everyone where they are, working together to achieve a shared vision.


  • A strong community that will embrace collaboration
  • Reflecting the community we serve
  • Becoming the model for other law enforcement organizations
  • Being the safest major city

You can find more information and additional details on the strategy by clicking here.


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