Tampa, Fla. – It could be up to two weeks before the true economic impact of Super Bowl LV is known. Normally, Super Bowls can bring their host city anywhere between 300 to 500 million dollars. But during a pandemic, the impact will be very different. 

What You Need To Know

  • It's not clear how much financial impact Super Bowl LV had on Tampa Bay

  • The host committee says hotels saw more visitors than they have since pandemic started

  • Also points to priceless media exposure

“There was a bump in business. How big, ya know, my crystal ball is not that good these days," said Santiago Corrada, Visit Tampa Bay. "I mean, something happened to my crystal ball called COVID. And I can’t tell you any projections or predictions. I can only tell you what I saw with my own eyes, and it looked very busy.”

The numbers will come from hotels, airports, and a few other places. 

“Looks like it will be the most hotel visitor room nights our community has seen since the pandemic started. And then from an airline passenger traffic standpoint, it’s been right around double of what it has been on average in recent months," said Rob Higgins, Super Bowl LV Host Committee CEO.

On top of the numbers, the exposure by media companies across the country will help the Tampa Bay area. 

“Media exposure, it is always priceless. It always triggers other things for us in the future – new conventions, new meetings, corporate relocations, people just wanting to move here." 

Numbers are still coming in because people are still leaving hotels and traveling through airports. 

Both Visit Tampa Bay and the Super Bowl Host Committee think it will be almost two weeks before true numbers are known.