The search for Polk County’s new superintendent is almost over. Thursday was the second day of two-hour interviews and a district tour for each of the five finalists.

What You Need To Know

  • Final interviews were conducted to select the next Polk Schools superintendent

  • The candidates come from varied backgrounds

  • Board members will make their decision on Tuesday, April 27

Polk County school board members asked each candidate questions pertaining to their morals, educational values and methods for problem solving.

“When a new superintendent is hired, the goal is to make it a smooth transition — how would you help the educational community adjust to a new governing style with a new superintendent?” asked Polk County school board member, Kim Fields.

Frederick Heid was the first to be interviewed on Thursday.

His answer — teamwork.

Before Heid stressed the importance of leadership within our schools, he thanked his wife in the room for her support.

“[This district’s] growth, economic potential, partnerships with the community is well established. I’d like to see that flourish,” he said. “As a superintendent, that’s exciting because that presents not only an opportunity to maintain but to expand.”

After the interviews, the finalists visited schools to further their conversations with Polk County teachers. This was something finalist Nakia Towns said she found value in.

“Over the last few days, I’ve learned Polk already has a lot of opportunities for kids through your career academy, arts and community support,” Towns said. “I really want to increase the trajectory of that progress to get to the next level that the community wants to see.”

Many of the finalists said Polk County is an impressive place to land not only for the educational values the district already has, but also for the community.

This was a sentiment echoed by finalist Harold Borders.

“Most importantly for me, it’s about a family atmosphere,” Borders said. “I was in Orange County for 24 years with experiences, and when I look at Polk County I see a family. And I’d love to come here and be part of the Polk county family for years to come.”

Finalist Jim McIntyre shared that same view, adding that he’s excited about an opportunity to partner with Polk County teachers and school board members.

“I love this community and appreciate the great works that’s happened in Polk County over the last several years; really excited to partner with the board to provide a great education to our students for the future,” McIntyre said. 

One finalist went to college in Polk County.

“I’m a graduate of South Eastern University where I developed my passion for education,” finalist Michael Ramirez said. “The opportunity to engage and champion our students — to rejoin this amazing community and lead this school district as your next superintendent of schools.”

The school board will decide on Tuesday April 27th who will be Polk County Public Schools’ next superintendent. ​