TAMPA, Fla. — Tampa Police are on the lookout for a stolen band trailer.

What You Need To Know

It was taken from the parking lot of Jefferson High School at about 2:30 a.m. on Friday, April 30.

The band had just performed its last concert of the school year the night before.

Tyler Matthews, a senior, said when he arrived at school the next day he heard the news.

"I get here and I walk in the band room and everyone goes "You'll never believe it, our trailer's been stolen." And I go, 'Huh? Why, who, how?'"

School officials were able to view a surveillance video of the incident.

They said it appears two people cut through locks and got through two gates to steal the trailer in a matter of minutes.

"This is a big, big hit to us, especially after the year we've had," said Alex Pedigo, the school's band director.

No instruments were inside the trailer when it was stolen but Pedigo said the trailer itself is a necessity.

It's used to transport large instruments and equipment to events like football games, parades, competitions and performances.

"We're now scrambling to find out what we can do or use to get back up and running," Pedigo said.

While the band program does get some funding from the school district, it also relies heavily on fundraisers and the Booster Club to pay for things like the trailer.

Principal Robert Quinn said it could take time to raise enough money to buy a new one.

"Our parents have been great but our parents have also gone through a hit this year with unemployment, less money and things like that as well, so definitely having that struggle to go forward next year. We will push through it and persevere because that's what we do but we are having to wrap our heads around it."

Despite the trailer being stolen, students remain upbeat.

"There's no reason we should stop just because we lost something," said Christian Lopez, a junior.

Even if it isn't replaced, students said they'll still find a way to perform and the band will play on.

Anyone with information about the theft is asked to contact Tampa Police.