NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. — Have you ever asked yourself, 'What are the odds?' This usually happens after something rare or of coincidence occurs. Kayla Ours may have cornered the market on coincidence. 

It all started though with her mother Kelly Powell back in 1997. 

“I was praying for twins since I was a little girl," said Powell.  

What You Need To Know

  • Kayla Ours and Kristen Rodriguez are identical twin sisters 

  • Kayla recently gave birth to twins

  • The sisters and family also share other coincidences

A prayer that was answered with Kayla and her identical mirror twin sister Kristen. 

“I looked it up and I realized, why are they right and left handed, and I guess they are something called mirror twins," said Powell. 

Almost everything is paralleled on the two sisters. Their dimples, which wisdom did and didn't grow in, even which hand they use to write with. 

“Remember that time that I was sick and you were having that back pain. Yeah we have like sympathy pains. Yes. Even though we live like far away," said Kristen Rodriguez, Kayla's sister. 

When Kayla got pregnant for a second time, the ultrasound tech noticed something else similar. 

“She was like, 'Yeah you are having identical twins,'” said Kayla. 

She had Kellie and Kensington. But then another coincidence was realized by Kayla. Her first child David was the exact age when the twins were born that her older brother was when she and her sister were born. 

“I was talking to my mom and she was like, ‘Well David is the same age as Alex was when we found out about you guys.” And then David and the girls. So it’s just like very strange," said Kayla. 

Strange, but then take similarities with Kayla and Kristen's husbands. They aren't twins, but they do have the same birthday. 

“I said, that is Dennis’ birthday January 27th, what are you talking about? Then the coincidence of the birthday and then her husband was in the Navy. My husband is in the Navy," said Kristen.

Is it coincidence? Luck? Or maybe lingering affects of those first prayers.

“I was like blessed because not a lot of people are able to like be a twin and like raise twins," said Kayla. 

“Just the relationship I had with my sister, I just think it's so special. I am just so proud of her," said Kristen crying. "I tell Kayla all the time. Her children feel like my children and her son David, I feel like he is my son, and her little girls I feel like they are mine because of the connection we have together.”

At this point, they don't know if Kellie and Kensington will be mirror twins. But the family says they are super excited to find out in the years to come.