ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — This weekend marks the year's biggest fundraiser for a Tampa Bay nonprofit fighting pediatric cancer. Love McKinley's seventh annual charity golf tournament and auction begins Friday, July 16, with a dinner and silent auction at St. Petersburg High School's St. John Bosco Center for the Arts.

It starts at 7:00 PM. Proceeds go to help families of kids battling cancer, as well as to Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital to support clinical research.

What You Need To Know

  • Love McKinley's 7th annual charity golf tournament and auction begins Friday

  • Proceeds go towards helping families with pediatric cancer and Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

  • Love McKinley named for McKinley Moore, 8, who's now cancer-free

  • Just four percent of government funds spent on cancer research each year go toward treating childhood cancers

The organization was founded by the family of McKinley Moore. Now eight years old, the Bradenton girl is about to mark four years cancer-free. 

According to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, just four percent of government funds spent on cancer research each year goes toward treating childhood cancers.

"So little funding goes to it, so we are doing everything we can to raise awareness. Less than four percent is just not okay. I mean, it's our children. It's our future," said Karen Moore, McKinley's mother.

Saturday's golf tournament is full, but you can still get a ticket to Friday's auction and dinner by contacting Love McKinley through it's website. You can also make donations there any time.