A cheese guild in Sidney, an aquaculture center in Walpole and the Maine Farmland Trust are among the recipients of the state of Maine's agricultural development grants this year.

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry said it is awarding about $250,000 in grants this year. Agriculture Commissioner Amanda Beal said the grants reflect “the innovative thinking and hard work being undertaken by producers that will ultimately strengthen our agricultural economy and provide continued access to high-quality Maine-grown and processed agricultural products.”

The Maine Cheese Guild is receiving $30,000 to identify opportunities for cheesemakers in the state. The Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center is slated to get $36,000 to enhance its business program. The farmland trust is set to receive about $50,000 to help farmers access new markets.

Other recipients of grants include Maine Grains in Skowhegan, Thirty Acre Farm in Waldoboro and Crystal Springs Community Farm in Brunswick.