TAMPA, Fla. - For Seffner Christian Crusader Christian Giller, it’s not about the start. It’s about the finish. And being the first to finish.

“He’s going to get after and do everything he can to win that race.” Seffner Christian head coach Andy Homes said.

This former tennis player traded in his racket for the wide open road. Along the way, he’s become one of the Bay area’s top distance runners.

“I decided to try out something new. which was running, which I always knew I had talent at.” Giller said. “So I decided to do that one day and I got really good at it. And here I am now, working hard, getting those PR’s.”

And helping the Crusaders make history. The cross country team became the school’s first to win a state championship. Actually, they did it twice, winning back-to-back titles in 2019 and 2020. Christian played a big part.

“We’re trying to continue that championship culture here at our school,” Holmes said. “Whether we win one this year or not we want to do the right things to get to that point.”

“I was just absolutely blown away,” Giller said. “Just being able to stand up there on the podium at states at Tallahassee, most fun thing ever.”

It’s the kind of fun Christian would like to do all over again.

“I’m kind of eager to get back out there.,” he said. “I’m looking forward to my senior year and what I can do.”

“He’s a competitor,” Holmes said. “He’s going to get out. He’s going to take it out and he’s going to do everything he can to beat you. He’s rock solid in the races."

Running’s taught Christian a lot about himself. It’s filled a need and it’s why he will never be running on empty.

“If you work hard at it, you can achieve anything honestly,” Giller said. “All it takes is hard work and believing in yourself. That’s all it takes.”