TAMPA, Fla. — Fifty-four veterans and caretakers will travel to Washington D.C. from Tampa Friday to attend the country's largest Veterans Day celebration, the National Parade of Heroes.

It runs from today until Sunday, wrapping up with a procession between war memorials in the nation's capital, and a mass band and choir performance.

The Florida State Elks Association organized and funded with the help of local Elks Chapter donations and donations from private and corporate sponsors.

"As long as there is a veteran, Elks will never forget them," said Rudy Masi with the Florida Elks. "And this is one of the many things Elks do to honor our veterans."

Masi says veterans traveling today range from young to old, from World War II veterans to veterans of the war on terror.

Reactions from the celebration are different, but it's a trip none of the veterans will forget.

"It is a once in a lifetime experience and it's different between the Korean War vets and the World War II vets. For them they feel like the sacrifices that they gave for our nation were forgotten and they are kind of set aside. So they get the honor and recognition that they deserve for their sacrifices many, many years ago," Masi said.

All the veterans traveling today spent the night at Tampa Airports Marriott Hotel.

Dinner was provided last night by PF Changs.

The all-expenses-paid trip for local veterans is an annual event organized by the Elks as it supports veteran services across the Tampa area.