ST. PETERSBURG, FLA – Two years ago, the St. Petersburg Police Department received a grant from the Department of Justice to launch the Tampa Bay Human Trafficking Task Force. The task force is made up of 23 member agencies, including the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, local sheriff's offices and police departments.

What You Need To Know

  • SPPD launched Tampa Bay Human Trafficking Task Force in 2020

  • Between January 2020 and September 30, 2021 more than 120 arrests were made

  • The task force offered support to more than 70 victims in that time frame

Between January of 2020 and September 30, 2021, the task force reported more than 120 arrests and offered services to more than 70 confirmed victims, some as young as 13 years old. 

St. Petersburg Police launched the task force and in their department, the HEAT Unit investigates human trafficking cases. HEAT stands for Human Exploitation and Trafficking.

Detective Justin Woolverton is one of the detectives working in that unit.

“It’s very rewarding when you identify a victim and you’re able to help them and get them the resources and the help that they need," said Woolverton. 

The unit does a lot of work behind the scenes, like undercover operations online. Most of their work they can't share publicly, but detectives also go out in the community to try to connect with possible victims of human trafficking. They look for people who may need assistance and offer them a backpack with toiletries and personal items.

"Any time we can offer people resources and let them know that we are out here to help them, I think it’s a success." said  Woolverton.

The HEAT Unit does the backpack giveaways with nonprofit organizations that also offers assistance for victims. Melanie Veldhuizen is the program coordinator at Restored to Dream. The nonprofit offers a program to help sexual abuse victims. They're able to create artwork, learn basic life skills and begin the long healing process. Veldhuizen went through the program. 

"I am a survivor myself, so I was able to go through the Restored program and give back. And I didn’t think I would be giving back in such a great way," said Veldhuizen.

Pastor Bill Losasso is the founder of Restored to Dream. He says offering long-term help to victims is crucial.

“When they get rescued physically, that’s not the end of it. They are not okay. I mean, the damage to the brain, the trauma damage is extreme. So we really have to restore that," said Losasso.

Detective Woolverton says it often takes time for victims to open up. Making that initial connection by handing them a backpack can help start the conversation.

"We’re actually out here helping people. It’s not always just about us putting people in jail and putting people in handcuffs. We’re truly out here to serve our community and help people that need it," said Detective Woolverton. 

For more information about the Tampa Bay Human Trafficking Task Force, click here. To learn more about Restored to Dream's mission, click here.