TAMPA, Fla. - You would be hard pressed to find a student-athlete more proud to be a Leto Falcon than Jefferson Batista.

This senior captain of the wrestling team has marked his territory on and off the mat with hard work. The mat is his home, where he feels most comfortable.

“I wasn’t good at basketball or football and I always wanted to do a sport,” Jefferson said. “And I chose wrestling. And you know, it’s paying off now.”

Wrestling provided an outlet where Jefferson could express himself. 

“The thing that impresses me about him is good or bad, I can challenge him with anything,” head coach Michael Patrick said.

“Maybe cause I like a challenge,” Jefferson said. “And I feel wrestling is a hard sport right now in high school.”

And maybe because wrestling helped Jefferson find his voice. Which was difficult for a guy with a speech impediment.

“I would say last year is where he started to come out of his shell and just be a little more vocal,” Patrick said. “Just the fact that he’s been able to overcome that, he is an inspiration. “

It’s not easy being different when you’re in high school. It’s not easy sounding different than your classmates. But Jefferson has embraced his differences. And by doing so, he’s spreading a message for everyone to hear loud and clear.

He speaks freely in class now too. A lot of work with a speech therapist helped overcome his fear of speaking. But it is more than his vocal techniques that has given this senior confidence. It’s the work he puts on the mat too. 

Wrestling has not only opened up opportunities for Jefferson. It’s helped him speak his mind.

“I learned I can push through it, through the hard times, through the good times,” Jefferson said. “I can always push through it and always challenge myself. I can be good at anything I try and set my mind to.”