I'm not sure anyone could have allergies as bad as Myrna Marquez.
“My skin was always broken up extra dry,” Marquez said, “It didn't matter how much lotion I put on. My skin would automatically get dry again, itchiness, sneezing, runny nose. My whole body was red. It was all year round. All year round, I was the same.” Marquez is at the extreme end of the 30% to 40% of the population that suffers from allergies, according to local allergist Dr. Roberto Garcia-Ibáñez. We're at the tail end of allergy season for Florida, but this time of year is when we reach our allergy peak. So it was a particularly difficult struggle for Marquez who was planning her wedding last March.
“My dream dress in my head did not allow me with my skin condition to wear it”, Myrna said. “So, I was shopping for dresses. I was gonna get a turtleneck and long sleeves.” So, instead of the twice a week shots over six months, doctors have been giving allergy patients for the last 111 years, Dr. Garcia-Ibáñez came up with a new treatment – putting droplets between the patient’s teeth and gums.
“Pretty much the same serums,” Dr. Garcia-Ibáñez said, “and instead of putting it in vials for injection, we put it in droppers and it is self-administered by the patient in their house.” The result, well, Marquez describes it best.
“Within two weeks of taking the drops, I felt a tremendous difference.”, Myrna said, “By the time my wedding came, my skin was 100% clear. I’ve never in my life seen my skin that way.” Dr. Garcia has treated 300 of his patients with this new method. He hopes it gets the attention of the asthma and allergy foundation of America. Until then, he's a happy doctor with happy patients.
“I am very happy. Very gratified by this experience.”