Out of a long list of adjectives, the best way to describe Dr. Doug Hines is “motivated.”

“The basic idea is a machine that can do what people can do, emulating human thought,” said Dr. Hines, creator of Perfect Coaches.

What You Need To Know

  • Dr. Doug Hines is the creator of Perfect Coaches, an app designed for large corporations or schools

  • The social psychologist is making a lifelong dream come true by giving everyone access to their own affordable personal life coach

  • Dr. Hines says the idea came about nearly 60 years ago, when he was beginning college

  • Perfect Coaches is available for businesses and corporations, but also for individuals free of charge

 The social psychologist is making a lifelong dream come true by giving everyone access to their own affordable personal life coach.

“The fundamental purpose, it enables a person to change what they do. I’m a psychologist, in psycho lingo, it’s, ‘self managed behavior modification,’ the person actually learns to change their own behavior,” said Dr. Hines.

The app is called Perfect Coaches, and is designed for large corporations or schools.

It’s led by AMI, which stands for “adaptive motivational interaction.”

She’s just like Siri or Alexa, except she doesn’t help you find music selections or nearest pizza joints.

Dr. Hines says she helps you find yourself.

“Each user is actually developing a relationship with their personal coach. The way the artificial intelligence actually works is a coach for the whole organization, the whole university, the whole corporation, she knows major rules that people are supposed to follow. But she is also working with each individual as their own personal coach,” said Dr. Hines.

Dr. Hines says the idea came about nearly 60 years ago, when he was beginning college, focusing on the science of learning.

The only issue was the technology wasn’t there yet.

The time is now, though, he says, at just 74 years young.

“So it’s not so much that I said, ‘Hey today I’m going to start this business.’ This is a continuation of a lifelong interest of mine as a scientist and now I’m going after this strictly as an entrepreneur,” said Dr. Hines.

He hopes to teach people how to find themselves by learning to be the best version of themselves.

“This coach can’t be with you all day every day seeing what you do, but it keeps you mindful of what you’re doing. So the behavior that the coach reinforces is actually the mindfulness of the things you are doing,” said Dr. Hines.

Something Dr. Hines has done throughout his career, which has led him here today.

“I didn’t peak too early. I’m going to peak now as an entrepreneur,” said Dr. Hines.

Because no matter your age, it’s never too late to find yourself.

Perfect Coaches is available for businesses and corporations, but also for individuals free of charge.

For more information, visit perfectcoaches.com.