BRADENTON, Fla. — This week’s A+ Teacher, Victoria Adriano, is passionate about bringing hope and happiness to students. The student support specialist at Ballard Elementary is instilling a sense of pride, and answering every call for help.

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In fact, her kids are so eager to learn, if they are out for some reason, she says they always ask, “What did we miss today?” when they return.

Kids are happy and excited about learning at Ballard Elementary. A teacher’s dream — when every young mind is focused on the task at hand. Adriano is an expert at keeping students on their toes and creating a fun environment.

“Just build those relationships and build that rapport with kids, and getting to know them and making sure that they’re okay coming into the building to make sure they’re also able to learn,” said Adriano. “And just creating that positive and safe environment for kids where they can come in and they know that they’re loved first before you put down the paper and the pencil. So, it’s making sure that they are the whole student before we go on.”

As the student support specialist, she interacts with nearly every child, helping kids who need a little extra push get through their day in a safe place.

But that’s not all.

She is the safety patrol program manager, the testing coordinator, and due to the current staffing shortage — add 4th grade classroom teacher to the list. Adriano is the go-to educator on the Bradenton campus.

“Knowing that our kids are going to be okay,” she said. “They’re not going to have to end up with a substitute. We’re not going to shuffle them all around. It was just an easy transition. While it gives us a little more work, it benefits them the most.”

That powerful dedication and love earned her the Congressional Teacher Award, along with praise from her principal.

“She’s got a tremendously difficult job, and every day, she says, ‘Tomorrow is a new day,’” said Ballard Elementary Principal Rudy Keezer. “Doesn’t matter if it’s a good day or bad day. 'Tomorrow is a new day,' and then on tough days, she likes to say, ‘Thank you for today. We learned a lot today. Thank you for today.’ Really, it’s just the passion, the heart and the teamwork. She works so well with everybody, and she’s able to set stuff aside that’s difficult, and move on and bring happiness. She brings happiness to everybody.”

Ballard Elementary is celebrating its 100th anniversary this month with a special birthday party on May 14.

Ms. Adriano is making sure the kids feel like they’re part of something big. She ordered all of them anniversary T-shirts and bracelets to mark the occasion.