Many say sports teach people so much more than the game itself — and Spectrum News' latest Everyday Hero is a perfect example.

What You Need To Know

While the game he teaches is golf, Matt Mussett’s lessons are really about perfecting swings in the game of life.

Some future pro-tour prospects were working on their game the day Spectrum News visited First Tee of St. Petersburg. Kids from Mt. Zion Christian Academy were making their regular visit.

Mussett said the young students learn about more than just golf when they visit.

“Youth mentoring and developing healthy habits and lifestyle skills for kids that may not be getting enough of that education at school or at home,” he said. “Or need to supplement what they’re doing.”

Currently working with four schools, Mussett said what students learn about golfing can apply in other areas of their lives.

“In golf you’re always going to have failure before you have success, and perseverance is one of our big talking points and teaching points,” Mussett said. “If you whiff 10 times but you hit on the 11th and it goes in the air, you feel pretty good about it.”

Along with being a youth mentor, teacher and coach, Matt is also eBay director for an idea that has helped this community supported nonprofit pay its bills.

Their Donate a Club Help a Kid program has been a great success, Mussett sasid.

“In the last four years we’ve gone from a couple of hundred listings online to over 16,000 currently,” he said.

Donated golf items are cleaned and restored and then find new homes online.

Watch the video above to learn more about this week’s Everyday Hero.