DOVER, Fla. — Between homework, extra-curricular activities and even some with jobs, being a high school student can be tough.

It can be even harder for the 120,000 students every year that work toward a Bright Futures Scholarship.

What You Need To Know

  • About 120,000 students apply for Bright Futures each year 

  • Aside from maintaining a 3.5 GPA, students also must complete at least 100 volunteer hours

  • Bright Futures Scholarship

Aside from maintaining a 3.5 GPA, students also must complete at least 100 volunteer hours, or work hours that are approved by their school, to be awarded scholarships.

Over the past summer, one local nonprofit called You Matter To Me in Lithia helped make it a little easier.

“Just down the line. One meal in the can. Two soups. One bag of rice. Saltine.”

Will Humphries is an incoming senior at Strawberry Crest High School.

He talked to Spectrum News as he logged volunteer hours at the Nativity Catholic Food Bank in Dover.

Humphries was working with You Matter To Me, packaging weekly food and other necessities for families in the Migrant Education Program.

Barbara Howard created You Matter To Me, and says the volunteer hours allow her organization to help dozens of families struggling to make ends meet.

“We encourage the teens to get to know the students that we are delivering food to,” said Howard. “They are given a drivers' sheet that has the ages of the kids so they can pack toys and books that are appropriate for that age level, and we provide summer stimulation to them."

You Matter To Me helps organize several programs throughout the year to help families in need.

For more information on the programs, or to find out if your student could get volunteer credit, visit the group's Facebook Page here.