TAMPA, Fla. — Tampa Fire Rescue will deliver a report on Thursday to City Council regarding response times in New Tampa.

New Tampa has some of the longest response times in the city, thanks in part to growth, access road issues in some neighborhoods and the number of fire stations serving the community.

What You Need To Know

  • Tampa Fire Rescue to deliver report on response times

  • New Tampa has some of the longest response times in the city

  • Tampa Fire Rescue Chief Barbara Tripp would not say if a new fire station is in the long-term plans

“The department is actually analyzing the growth of the department with the calls,” said Tampa Fire Rescue Chief Barbara Tripp. “And we are making the necessary changes by applying or adding additional resources to the City of Tampa.”

Chief Tripp would not say if a new fire station is in the long-term plans for the department, but that’s exactly what Tampa City Council members Luis Viera and Charlie Miranda proposed when they asked the department to do a deep dive into response times.

Tampa Fire Rescue says issues with access roads into the K-Bar Ranch neighborhood off Cross Creek Boulevard has added to response times to thousands of homes.

And land acquisition has been a challenge in a growing part of Tampa, where the city is competing with developers to find more land to add more fire stations.

Tampa Fire Rescue and its union Local 754 will deliver the report to Tampa City Council on Thursday.

It is unclear if the council will vote on any plans on Thursday, or take the report into consideration before making any additional moves to improve response times.