Well, you know how that old song goes from your childhood…. “Jingle Bells, Batman smells…” Yes, Christmastime is here, and the whole holiday season is in full force, so we’re going to stop what we’re doing on the politics front and head over to the fireplace with a glass of milk and cookies for Santa… very informal, hopefully a fun listen for you while you get ready for the holiday.
PODCAST EXTRA: Gary's infamous Yule Log Cake recipe is available HERE
Political figures and influencers are often heard in brief bites that don’t capture the context of the whole story. “Central Florida: Beyond the Soundbite” expands the conversation with these newsmakers along the I-4 corridor and beyond. Join award-winning Spectrum News 13 anchor and Orlando Woman of the Year Ybeth Bruzual, political reporter Greg Angel, and veteran producer Gary Darling for a must-hear interview each week and learn about the issues affecting Central Florida.