TAMPA, Fla. — The mom who survived the home fire with her son is out of the hospital recovering from her burns.

Family members from the fatal Lithia home fire that killed a father and two children are now raising money with a car wash to help the mom and son who survived.

What You Need To Know

  • The mom who survived the home fire with her son is out of the hospital recovering from her burns

  • The family held a car wash to raise money to cover funeral costs and to help the mom and son get on their feet

  • Angel Lopez, 22, 5-year-old Angel Junior and 14-month-old Harmony Lopez all died when a fire engulfed their home on April 17 in Lithia

  • According to the family the funeral is expected to take place on Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Cedar Grove Baptist Church off of East Keysville Road

  • The family says the public is invited to attend

“So far I’m taking it day by day,” Jose Pena said.

Pena has been working hard to raise money for his family members with a car wash.

“They lost everything from top to bottom,” he said. “They lost everything, she has to start from scratch with her little boy.”

Angel Lopez, 22, 5-year-old Angel Junior and 14-month-old Harmony Lopez all died when a fire engulfed their home on April 17.

Veronica Bermudez and her 3-year-old son Elijah Lopez survived.

Her cousin, Pena, is collecting monetary donations to help with the funeral and for the family to get back on their feet and clothes and toys for the mom and son.

“Anything helps, it's really needed, clothes and all of that,” he said.

So many people stopped by to help the family, which Pena says is a great feeling.

“We are very, very appreciative of anything that comes in, and I can’t say enough of a thank you to the community,” he said.

Friends, family and people they don’t even know came together to help the family, a continued effort, but taking it one day at a time.

According to the family, the funerals will take place on Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Cedar Grove Baptist Church off of East Keysville Road.

The family said the public is invited to attend.