SAFETY HARBOR, Fla. — Working with your hands to mold and shape average materials into something new is the goal at the Safety Harbor Art and Music Center.

What You Need To Know

Autumn Pearson is an artist at the center, and one with special ties to the area. Her family has been snowbirds in Safety Harbor since the 1960s.  

“So I’ve been coming here every year for spring break since I was a little girl and I learned to ride a bike here and grew up in Safety Harbor, but kind of one vacation,” Pearson said.

It wasn’t until this past November, though, that Pearson moved here full time. After living in North Africa with her husband where among many things, she started an English school.  

It wasn’t until her friend who worked at the art and music center asked her to help create an education program that they finally moved back stateside.

“We had been talking recently, and you know, during COVID things were put on hold with the development of the art reach program. So we spent a lot of time developing, and now just over the past four months we’ve seen so much growth for our art reach program,” she said.  

Inside the vibrant color center, they offer classes where you can learn just about any unique textile form of art, but they don’t stop at just art classes. They also host live music and other events in a massive warehouse decorated with beautiful glass shards.

“We work in schools and we work with all ages. And we get to do mosaic projects and recycled portraits. And it’s just a great way to give back to the community and public schools, and gives them a different kind of enrichment that they can’t always get in the classroom setting,” said Pearson.

Pearson hopes they continue to build the arts program and inspire the community.

The Safety Harbor Art and Music Center is open Thursday through Sunday. Along with classes, they also host live music events. To find out more details about those events, head to their website,