TAMPA, Fla. — Navy veteran Paul Keyes founded Club-214, which is a clothing and apparel company with a focus on bringing veterans together. The number 214 has a significance for those who have served in the military.

What You Need To Know

  • Club-214 was created by a 21-year veteran of the Navy

  • The apparel and clothing company also connects veterans and puts on events

  • The club is a way to get veterans together for meet and greets, along with other events

“Whether you were Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard — you were served a DD214, so we wanted everyone to feel welcome,” Keyes said. DD214 is a certificate of release or discharge from the military.

Keyes started the group to get local vets together. He started hosting events in June and says membership has already grown to more than 800.

“It’s been really amazing to see, and helping out one another. It just keeps building day by day,” Keyes said.

At meet and greets, veterans can swap stories and feel connected to others who have served.

“Getting out and adjusting to the civilian world where a lot of people were out for themselves and missing that comradery, and that’s part of the reason why I started this group,” Keyes said.

Already growing in the Bay area, Keyes says veterans from around the state are showing interest and he has plans to expand, possibly across the country. The club does more than meet and greet events — there are activities such as boating or going to sporting events.

It’s about keeping the comradery that Keyes says can be hard to find in the civilian world, and that special connection that he says he hopes will attract more veterans to join the growing organization.