ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Fireworks are fun to watch, hear and feel, but that's not the case for everyone.
What You Need To Know
- Fireworks can be triggering for someone with PTSD
- Combat veterans can be sensitive to fireworks, which can trigger traumatic memories
- With the New Year's Eve holiday approaching, experts say it's important to be mindful of your neighbors before setting off fireworks
Dr. John Berg, a psychologist at the Bay Pines VA in St. Petersburg, says that people should remember that veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder could be triggered by fireworks.
“If you are someone who experienced something traumatic with any of those sensations, fireworks can bring you right back there and bring up those old memories,” Berg said.
It can be especially harsh for veterans who experienced combat. Berg said that it's important reach out to neighbors to give them warning before firing off fireworks.
“If they are on a neighborhood group chat or next door or something...shooting a quick message is important,” Berg said.
He also says it's important to have coping mechanisms like certain breathing techniques to help keep you calm.
“Breathing skills are foundational part of coping and mindfulness,” Berg said.