CLEARWATER, Fla. — Craig Fulton, a Clearwater resident, said noise was rattling his home well into 3 a.m. His children were asking him to do something so they could sleep, as Fulton assumed the noise originated a few houses down. 

What You Need To Know

  • A Clearwater man says music is rattling his house from miles away

  • Craig Fulton believes it's coming from the Tampa side of the Courtney Campbell Causeway

  • He erected a sign where the party was happening, begging people to quiet down

  • He has complained to Tampa City Council, and Tampa Police vowed to patrol the area 

“I’d just compare it to a nightclub,” Fulton said. “It just sounds like there’s a nightclub in the neighborhood.”

Except it wasn’t his neighborhood. After driving toward the source of the music, Fulton said he realized the house-rattling bass was coming from over five miles away. It was a party on a side road off the Tampa-side of the Courtney Campbell Causeway. Fulton said he found about 50 people partying, drinking and blasting music using giant stereo speakers.

“It’s just very interesting how the low-frequency is carrying really far across the water, (past Safety Harbor) and then up into (my) neighborhood pretty far offshore,” Fulton said. “I think it’s affecting hundreds, if not thousands, of people.”

In the Bay Crest neighborhood on the Tampa side of the Causeway, Spectrum Bay News 9 found a man named Brian out on a walk.

He confirmed that music frequently rocks their neighborhood on weekend nights, adding, “It’s a loud thumping sound. It carries over the water but it’s coming from the Causeway.”

Numerous people in that neighborhood confirmed the existence of the noise issues.

Brian doesn’t have kids, so he isn’t that bothered by the sound. Fulton does and decided to do something.

He erected a sign on the side road of the Causeway begging people who party there to turn their music down. He also recently complained at a Tampa City Council meeting, asking that noise and trespassing laws be enforced. There is another sign on the side road saying it’s considered trespassing to be there between sunset and sunrise.

“I’ve been called petty by some people on this,” Fulton admitted. “That’s fine. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. But again, I just want the law enforced.”

Tampa Police told Spectrum Bay News 9 they would increase their patrols in that area and would write citations as a deterrent. This past weekend, after Spectrum Bay News 9 ran its first story, the Tampa Police told us there were no issues, and they wrote no citations.