CLEARWATER, Fla. — The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is part of a partnership of organizations across the state helping manatees. Right now, the team can assist with rescue and releases, but with a new manatee rehab center set to open this spring, aquarium staff will soon be able to do so much more.

What You Need To Know

  • Clearwater Marine Aquarium is opening the Manatee Rehabilitation Center in March 

  • The new center will allow staff to help care for rescued manatees onsite

  • So far this year, staff have assisted with dozens of rescues

The aquarium expects to open its Manatee Rehabilitation Center in March, allowing for onsite care of rescued manatees.

Dr. James Powell, CMA’s Chief Zoological Officer, also says a potential status change by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could also aid in protecting the manatee population. The service is currently reviewing a request to upgrade the manatee status from threatened to endangered.

“You go from that yellow flag to a red flag, that means we’ve got to pay special attention to factors that are of concern that are a little bit more complex,” Powell said.

Already this year, aquarium staff have assisted with dozens of rescues and anticipate more as the cold weather continues.