ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Laura Spencer may have been born for the new SHINE Mural Trolley Tour aboard Star Trolley.

What You Need To Know

  • New tours are 2.5 hours, covering 25 to 30 murals

  • Tour guides are artists, creators and organizers of the SHINE Mural Festival

  • St. Pete Art Alliance partnering with Star Trolley

  • Bayboro Brewing: Meet-up and free post-pint breakdown

She’s a St. Pete Native and a muralist in the SHINE Mural Festival.

“My artist name is Miss Crit,” said Spencer, standing in front of a wall of her work.

So it only makes sense when the St. Pete Art Alliance, the organization behind the SHINE Mural Festival, partnered with Star Trolley, Spencer, came on board.

All the guides have a special connection to the festival and the artists.

“So the SHINE Festival brings together national and international and local artists,” said Spencer.

The new monthly tours are two-and-a-half hours long, passing 25 to 30 murals.

It’s a deep-dive into makers and their methods.

“It’s important as a tour guide to represent,” said Spencer. “It’s a huge honor. I do my due diligence. I try to reach out to artists if I don’t know about their work and kind of learn some things.”

A by-product of this experience? It makes Spencer a better artist. And reinforces her love affair with St. Pete.

“To be able to talk and share that passion with everybody is a complete honor,” Spencer said.