TAMPA, Fla. — Drivers are hoping for a change at a busy Tampa intersection — Nebraska Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

What You Need To Know

  • For drivers going east and west on MLK Boulevard looking to turn left onto Nebraska, there is no dedicated turn signal

  • Drivers feel there the turn is dangerous without a left signal

  • The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is now studying the intersection to see if any changes should be made

For drivers going east and west on MLK Boulevard looking to turn left onto Nebraska, there is no dedicated turn signal.

As traffic has gotten busier there, Tampa resident Angela Clark says it’s time to make that change.

“You have MLK, which both ways is always very busy. And then Nebraska is very busy. It’s a perfect intersection for a turning light,” Clark said.

She feels making the left turn is too dangerous when having to wait for a break in the traffic.

“You just have to wait until you think it’s safe enough to make the turn. If someone is speeding to make the light, that’s a catastrophe in the making,” Clark said.

Clark has driven through the intersection for years, but she now tries to avoid it because of the heavier traffic.

“Sometimes I would have to pass this, go straight, and make a U-turn and come back. And that’s going way out of my way. And time consuming. But it’s the safest thing to do,” Clark said.

While the intersection has left turn lanes to help traffic flow, Clark said not having a left turn signal still backs up traffic behind those cars trying to turn, especially during rush hour.

Officials with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) said they are now going to have their traffic ops team study the intersection to see what changes should be made.

Clark hopes the analysis shows the left turn signal is necessary.

“If there was a turning light, it would be safer. Because then you wait for the arrow. And then you make your turn,” Clark said.