LARGO, Fla. — Pinellas County residents say the increasing traffic in the area is causing drivers to speed more on a busy Largo street. 

Jacquelyn Enderle has lived in a neighborhood off of 125th Street for 10 years.

What You Need To Know

  • Drivers are concerned with speeding on 125th St in Largo between Ulmerton and Walsingham Roads

  • Neighbors say it can be concerning on event days at Heritage Village

  • City of Largo is now studying the road to see if changes should be made

She says the straightaway on 125th between Ulmerton and Walsingham roads makes drivers feel they can go fast.

“The speed is posted 25 mph. We have people that speed down here probably 40 or 50 mph,” Enderle said.

Heritage Village, a Pinellas County park and museum, is also located on 125th St.

Enderle said on event days, cars will speed past people walking on the side of the road, where there are also no sidewalks.

“There are school buses with children, there are no sidewalks, there’s nowhere for them to park safely,” Enderle said.

Townhouses are also being built there, which Enderle said makes him feel like traffic will increase.

She adds that during rush hour, 125th St. has become a popular cut through for drivers looking to avoid busy Ulmerton Road.

“So instead of waiting for the lights on Ulmerton, people will cut through 125th St. going excessively fast,” Enderle said.

City of Largo officials say they are going to add a traffic calming device on 125th later this month. It will track the amount of cars passing by and the speeds. The city will then see if a more permanent change is necessary.

Enderle has been trying to get something like a speed bump added there to make the road safer.

“That’s my hope,” Enderle said. “That we can add some speed bumps to calm the traffic. Because it’s crazy in the morning and at night."