ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — St. Petersburg lawmakers have announced a date to continue talks over the Historic Gas Plant redevelopment project.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, talks will pick up again June 13.

The meeting will focus on the Gas Plant district, not the proposed Tampa Bay Rays' stadium to replace Tropicana Field.

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There was supposed to be another workshop Thursday, May 23, but that was postponed.

A final vote on the stadium and Gas Plant agreements is set for July 11.

Earlier this month, lawmakers met to discuss the project in detail but postponed a second meeting so city council members could have more time to go over details of the massive project.

The latest plan between the Rays and the Hines development group includes more than 5,000 residential units, 600 of them for seniors and over 1,200 would be affordable and workforce housing.

Plans also include 750,000 square-feet for retail space, including spots for small businesses, a grocery store, and a 4,000 to 6,000-seat entertainment venue.

That’s in addition to the office, conference and meeting space and 750 hotel rooms.

The project, totaling 86-acres and ultimately costing $6.5 billion, also includes a proposed 30,000-seat new ballpark for the Rays.