TAMPA, Fla. — It’s back to the bargaining table on Tuesday for Hillsborough County Public Schools and the Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association.
This will be the second session — the first was on May 6 — and is the earliest the two groups have started negotiations.
The union asking for an approximate 6% increase in teacher pay.
“It’s not as easy to say it’s this dollar amount, or that dollar amount," said HCTA President, Rob Kriete. "Honestly, we ask for what we think we can get based on what the state is giving."
Hillsborough County Schools won’t know exactly what the state is giving for another month or two, but Kriete said they’re still trying to move negotiations along faster than ever before.
“One of the things we’ve talked to the new superintendent about is in a world where the state is not funding public education to the degree we think they deserve — and the students need getting this done quicker and more efficiently — it is at least helpful to the employees of the district, and he’s responded,” Kriete said.
Kriete said he’s hopeful HCTA will reach an agreement with the district soon, and by simply starting these talks now, it gives teachers and support staff some hope.
“We have 1,000 vacancies in our district, but the needs of the kids remains very high," Kriete said. "So they’re kicking butt, they’re doing everything they can for these kids, every day, every year, and we’re going to do whatever we can for them and collaborate and work with the district for that."
HCTA officials said these negotiations only deal with money from the state, and the tax referendum voters will be deciding on in November does not come into play.
The bargaining session is at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, and will focus on instructional personnel and education support professionals.