NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. — A local landmark in Pasco County is getting a financial boost. 

The Richey Suncoast Theatre — known to passersby via its beautiful golden dome roof — has recently been approved for a grant. Help will be received in the form of a $100,000 grant from the New Port Richey Community Redevelopment Agency.

It’s helping bring life back to a once forgotten art form.

What You Need To Know

  • A $100,000 grant has been approved for the Richey Suncoast Theatre, courtesy of the New Port Richey Community Redevelopment Agency

  • Recent renovations have been made at the theatre over the years, but with the new grant, the once prominent, cultural meeting ground will be getting a makeover
  • Funding arrives at a promising time as attendance numbers, according to theatre board members, have been on the rise
  • Plans include updating the theatre's air conditioning units as well as replacing its roof

Just a block from New Port Richey’s Main Street proudly stands the iconic Richey Suncoast Theatre.

“It was the center of culture for the area,” said actor and president of the Board for the Richey Suncoast Theatre, Angela Sarabia. “People came down just to cool off, to see a film, and it was really a cultural touchstone.”

The theatre’s exterior is impressive but, according to Sarabia, it’s inside where the magic happens.  

“It really is iconic because of that dome. It really stands out,” said Sarabia. “But I meet people every day who say they see it from the road, but have never been inside. But once they come inside, they are really impressed with it.”

A once prominent, cultural meeting ground is getting a makeover. Recent renovations have been made at the theatre, including LED lighting fixtures and soundproofing.

Originally built in 1925, the theatre wasn’t converted into a community one until 1972. Seating just under 300 people, with 295 seats in the vicinity.

“We’ve upgraded that sound quality so that when you walk in, you’re really getting a professional level of audio quality to the experience. There are music acts coming in and booking to be on the stage and they’re loving that the sound that their patrons are hearing from them is a professional quality sound,” Sarabia said.

More upgrades are planned, thanks to funding from the New Port Richey Community Redevelopment Agency and their $100,000 grant. The funding arrives at a promising time, with attendance numbers on the rise.

“During our season last year, I was thrilled to be getting updates from the board about our amazing sales every day, as well as our concession sales,” said Kate Connolly, board member for Richey Suncoast Theatre. “We definitely see the trickle-down effect within the community and the different businesses come to us after a big show, and they say they’re so happy to see all of that opportunity right after the show lets out.”

And with a growing audience, the theatre’s upgrades will be that much more impactful.

“Our hope is to continually be a community space, but to have more and more upgrades to the overall experience, and we’d like to increase our inclusivity,” Sarabia said.

Ensuring the theater continues offering entertainment for future generations.

And those with the theatre said with this new grant, a few upgrades can be made on existing air conditioning units. They also say it may also mean the theatre can replace its roof next year.