ST. PETE BEACH, Fla. — There is a new way to get around St. Pete Beach.

What You Need To Know

  • David Foura runs a concierge service called Designated David

  • He recently added a golf cart taxi service around St. Pete Beach

  • He offers karaoke to passengers as he drives them around

It involves enjoying the open air and … singing.

That’s the combination David Foura is going for with his new golf cart taxi service.

“I just thought the golf cart would be fun. You’re in open air. And it’s a different vibe than a vehicle,” Foura said.

Foura runs a concierge service called Designated David.

He runs errands for clients and offers them car rides.

He recently expanded his service, adding golf cart rides around St. Pete Beach.

“My first official weekend out here was the 4th of July,” Foura said. “And that was the busiest time I’ve had since starting my business in 2020.”

His cart is technically classified as a low-speed vehicle, so it is street legal on roads that are posted as 35 MPH or less in Pinellas County, officials confirmed.

Foura also has the required safety features like seatbelts and lights.  

That means he can drive on busy roads like Gulf Boulevard, shuttling passengers between hotels and the beach.

“I have gone from St. Pete Beach to downtown in the golf cart. It does take about 45 minutes. But the passengers love it. Put a smile on their face. And people are happy,” Foura said.

One way that Foura keeps his passengers happy is singing karaoke in the cart, giving visitors a unique way to get around.

“Really, I just want to help. Just want to get people where they have to go,” Foura said.

Foura works on tips and usually plans to run his golf cart karaoke on weekends.